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Dead Good Conversations

Don’t leave it till you’re dead – plan ahead!

Get your end of life sorted out so that you can get on with life

We plan our weddings, ensuring that every detail is taken care of, but we leave decisions about our end-of-life and funerals to those left behind.

Death is the only guarantee we have in life. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to talk about.

The problem with silence is that those left behind must make painful decisions about your funeral without knowing if they reflect what you would have wanted at a time when making decisions can feel impossible.

Control is often handed over to a Funeral Director to make life easier. This is fine – if it is an informed choice.

But did you know you don’t need to have a funeral?  Or use a Funeral Director?  Or, that your service doesn’t have to be in a chapel or crematorium?

The greatest gift you can leave your loved ones with is an end-of-life plan. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to plan family funerals when wishes were never openly discussed.

At a time when you should be grieving, you are bombarded with a myriad of decisions to make, from the venue to the funeral tea, followed by constantly worrying if you made the right decisions.

At the Coffin Club Aberdeenshire West, we provide a safe space for these conversations to take place. Carefully chosen expert speakers will provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about what happens after you take your last breath.

I founded the first Coffin Club in Aberdeenshire to help anyone who has ever asked themselves these questions:

  • How do I plan a funeral?
  • Do I have to have a funeral?
  • Do I have to use a funeral director?
  • Can I plan a funeral myself?

So come along to get the information you need to plan your funeral and become more accepting of death at the same time.  Then you can get on with living!

This way you can reduce the pressure on your loved ones after you’re gone – and have the ending you want.

Coffin Club Aberdeenshire West is a registered charity number SC051522.

Watch more videos of the on the Coffin Club Aberdeenshire


Email: or call 07846 689884 / 013398 80984